Rapid shots of the little A

When I give A any food that he does not like, a spoon of it in his mouth and he starts whining ‘ take it outtt.. i want to poooo’ , without even tasting it. So I used to tell A, ‘ let me get the tissue from the kitchen, till then u keep it in your mouth’ , in a hope that by the time i come back, he will have chewed the food and gulped it down. Works 99% of the times and he eats the rest without any fuss. So we were on this road trip, and i started giving banana to the kid. One piece and drama started ‘ I DONT WANT BANANA. I WANT TO POOOOO’. A spontaneous response by the husband , the big A ‘ Dont poo in the car, let us reach home and Shia will get tissue from the kitchen’. And my immersed-in-ipad-absent-minded-Small A said ok, and started chewing the banana. And yes he ate the rest of it. The cunning husband smirked in the drivers seat with a Look-even-when-I-am-driving-i-can-control-the-kid look.

The road trip usually starts with A in his best behaviour, wearing a seat belt in the back seat of the car. Ten minutes on the road, the seat belt comes off, legs go up.  Five more minutes after that, and he starts jumping on the back seat. His favourite timepass , rather his favourite way of irritating us, is jumping in the back seat, looking back and narrating (read shouting) out all the numbers of cars behind us. This particular time, we were on the highway, and it was getting impossible for the husband to monitor vehicles from rear view mirror (he could only see the kids’ head). He yelled ‘ Addu take out your head from there, i cannot see anything’. A, God knows what he was thinking, now lied down on the seat with his legs up, and continuously moving. The Big A, still not able to see anything properly, yelled ‘ Addu now if u dont take your legs out, i will hang u upside down’. A suddenly started laughing and he said, with atmost satisfaction of winning ‘ You cannot do that papa, I am already upside down, yay yay’. I burst out laughing. +1 to the small A.

In our most recent vacation, we went snorkelling. A also had come on the boat with us, but was reluctant to get inside water (middle of the ocean, was pretty scary). So we gave him a bread packet, asked him to keep feeding the fish. We were 14 members in the boat, and the other people were so amazing, they offered to take turns to stay in the boat with A. Husband and I were in water, when A finished his bread packet. Then out of nowhere, we heard him saying to the russian girl on the boat, ‘ We should not throw plastic in water. Teacher said we should only throw plastic in the dustbin’. The girl asked back ‘ So what can we throw in water’, to which A replied ‘ We can only throw Amm (food) in water. Everything else in dustbin’. She was pretty impressed, and so was I, I admit.  Later we went back to the shore, and while waiting for our ride, A saw this guy  who just finished his cigarette and stamped the residue with his foot. And left the leftover cigarette there. We saw it too, but ignored. A dint, and he yelled ‘ Shia, he dint put that in the dustbin’. ‘ Wait addu, he will put it himself later’, I said. He waited for precisely 10 secs, and again said the same thing to me. And then he said something, that i still feel ashamed i dint do it myself. ‘ Shia, go tell uncle to put it in the dustbin’. After 1 min of him nagging, i took him to that guy, and said it to him. He looked at us, put the cigarette in the dustbin, and said Thank you. phew. My badass kid was satisfied. And I, proud.

We were on this boat, doing rapid shots (the boat driver turns the boat left and right so that water falls on us). A was sitting between me and husband , happily waving his hands in air. One swing of the boat, the water crashed on us with such speed and we were all wet. So husband asked A to hold our hands, to which A replied ‘ No, i am a big boy. I dont need to hold hands’. One more swing, this time with higher angle and water splashed on us with such force, A held both our hands. ‘ So addu is scared now aaa’, said the husband. To which my witty boy replied, in an instant ‘ No papa. I am catching your hands so that you and Shia dont fall off. I am rescuing you.’. Well, we had nothing to say, except ‘ Addu hold me tightly, i am fallinggg offfff’.