Talk to the DP.

Yes, thats what happens nowadays.  Every household, every relationship, every dialogue.

It was my birthday, few days back. Most of the wishes, rather all of the wishes, were whatsapp messages.  Very few, very very few bothered to call me (on whatsapp, still happy), to wish me personally.

Rest of them, dropped a happy birthday message.  Lazy people sent an image with ‘Happy Bday’ flying in colours. A little enthusiastic people googled and sent a gif or a sticker.  Mind you, this includes family too, right from grand parents to parents to siblings to cousins to toddlers, whose voice message was recorded on whatsapp (as opposed to calling and making them wish).

The worst, is wishing in groups. They just drop a message in group wishing happy birthday, don’t care whose birthday it is, just go with the flow. You will be compelled to say everyone thank you at the end, because they took the effort of doing one of the above mentioned things.

Being an 80’s kid, I have experienced the other end of technology too, thats when there was no whatsapp. We had to pay for receiving a call. And birthday wishes then were super great, because people came to your house to wish you. It felt personal. It felt special. Like it was your day. Like you are being pampered however old u are. The birthdays now, is just spamming your phone, making you stick your face on phone for more time that the usual.

I’l tell u how exactly my day should have gone, vs how my day went.

Expectation – Cut cake at 12 midnight.

Reality – Messages received from close friends at midnight, checked them, answered them, and slept.

Expectation – Get up being pampered.

Reality – Get up because alarm rang, make kid’s box, have a sweaty morning.

Expectation – Wait for ppl to call me or visit me the whole day, while i do birthday shopping, wear new clothes , and of course work.

Reality – Read and answer tons of messages in the whatsapp groups. And facebook. Thank God I am not on anything else.

Expectation – Forget  I have a phone, hang around with my favourite ppl all day.

Reality – Spend all day on phone. Waiting for more messages.

PS: I still love you all for wishing me. 😀

PPS: Thats the reason I keep changing my DP. Keep checking me out. 😀 😀