In our household, Thor is just a hanger!

So many things i want to write, and so less RAM available in my brain. WIsh i had a penseive you know, to store all those memories , those awkward, cranky, intelligent, arrogant, stubborn, cute,surprising antiques of my almost-2-year-old.

I get up in the morning, and i start searching for tongs. My day starts with that. Somedays its in the fridge, somedays in the drawing room cupboards, and most frequently, under teddy’s butt. Yes, A does not need toys to play, all my kitchen equipment is enough for him to throw, make noise, and kill teddy and shinchan, the two lifeless souls who bear his rant, apart from me that is.


I am mostly a human dustbin, because A believes he can live on air, and a little water. I put on so much effort to cook something nice (indian/italian/chinese, you name it), A starts validating it, you know, if its fit for him to eat. So here it goes:

  1. Look: The food must look extremely colourful (we dont like dull looking things u see)
  2. Feel: Not too squishy, not too hard, not too soft, not too watery, not too solid, not too smelly, not too hot, not too cold, not too food looking! Wel. That should give me a looot of options.
  3. Taste: Not too bland. Not too spicy.

So, that leaves A tasting the food (very rarely he reaches the third stage), and eventually me eating almost all of it. And what does A feed on? Air. yup. Malaysian Hazy air!


IN my household, Thor is just a hanger.  Well. It goes like this  :

Me and husband were watching avengers one day, when A got up. Husband was ironing, and to prevent A from touching the hot iron, he handed over hangers. Inspired by thor, husband picked up hanger, raised it up in the sky and said ‘THORR’, A repeated the same. Since then. Anything pointy, even a brush, spatula, straw, his finger, anything can become a ‘THORRR’. Man, Thor should know this!

My friend, when he had come home, A was playing with building blocks. Suddenly out of nowhere, he took a pen, came to this friend guy, raised his hand with pen high up in air, and screamed THORRR! Expression of friend: Priceless!


A had started learning alphabets, thanks to little baby bum rhymes, and of course, my determination to teach him. The way he learnt, reminded me of joey learning french in friends.

little baby bum(LBB) : A, B, C,D,E

A: aaaa, beeeee, seeeeee, deeeee, eeeee

This was fine. When it came to Q and W


A: keeeuuuu, aaaaaaa, bibbadduu

Well. he calls giraffe bibbaffe. I think its extremely cute. I wish his teacher thinks the same.


So i tried teaching him colours. With crayons.  Blue, green, yellow, red. Repeated may be a little less than infinite times. And then i ask him, pointing to blue.

‘Addu, what colour is this?’


‘Good, what colour is this now?’ Pointing at red


‘Addu, thats red’


‘Okay, where is blueee?’

A, pointing to yellow ‘Blueee’

‘No A, thats yellow. Where is blue?’

A, pointing to red ‘Blueee’

‘No, thats red. Where is blue?’

A, pointing to green, ‘Blueee’

‘No, thats green. Where is blue?’

A, pointing to blue (finally) ‘ elloww?’

And i gave up!


So A loves shapes. We have almost all shapes, but did not know how to explain semi circle. If we call it moon, he would get confused as he knows full moon. So we started calling that shape ‘semi’.

This day, out of the blue, A joins two semi’s, and says ‘ Circle?’ I was clapping so hard!


Me explaining to A, ‘ Lion says grrrrrrr’

A: ‘drrrrrr’

‘No addu, its grrrrrrr’

‘ drrrrrr’

Episode over.

taxi, and the engine makes a lot of noise. A immedietely looks at me with question mark face and asks ‘ Lionnn?’


God, i remember soo few. I really wish i had a pensieve.!