i love my shoes!


We were going out on this trip to Tirupathi, in train. Since Ad (my son, once was sweet, now a devil) started to walk, we thought we will get him sandals.
So we bought him nice bright blue sandals, and i was especially exited seeing such chutku sandals, in which my little finger also woudlnt fit! I was very eager to try them on Ad.
SO here we get into the train, and Ad obviously wanted to get down. Who in the world would just sit in train and watch out of the window eh! not us!
SO i adorn his legs with the bright new sandals. I can sense his excitement, he just could not get his gaze out of them. When i was done, it took split second.
He pulled his sandal, with the leg, started chewing the bright thing, and then gave a big smile, and continued on with his chewing. He never got down. All his concentration was on grabbing that thing, and stuffing it in his mouth.
The sandals have now become his teethers successfully. When he cries, give him sandals. And Ad would just go on happily chewing them.