Startup? Rather shut-down.

Yes. I quit my job 2 weeks back. Everyone who knows what company i quit, actually thought i was mad.
Mostly because, the company was amazing, one of a kind, has amazing perks, family day, annual dinner, a t-shirt every event, a goodie every festival, basically, an amazing work-life balance maintainable one. NO, no, life is obviously more than work, because there is an amazing life in company as well.

The only thing probably missing was, deadlines. (facepalm).

Everyone took their own sweet time to finish their work, and if the person dint, deadline would extend! There was no new tech coming in, and i was not learning anything new.  Valid reasons?  Also , i quit my first job for husband, second job for kid. I had decided, if ever i quit anything in future, it will be because i want it..not anyone else.

Hence, i had taken this super powerful decision (obviously after getting a job), to quit the super amazing company.

Now, my new company is a startup. Its always been my dream to work in a startup, work late nights, have amazing discussions, keep learning something new. As my notice period started ending, I realised that the dream, “was” my dream. Now, my dream is actually to get a buttload of salary without working my butt off. But i had no option, i had resigned already. I was genuinely scared on how i would manage so much startup work plus my kid plus a big kid (the husband).

My first day at work(reached office at 830), there was one person in the office. Like ONE. She, being the lead developer, got a macbook, gave it to me, to set it up from scratch. (Thats right! no Tech support guys). I spent the day installing OS, setting up company software, talking to walls and aleovera plants , cos how much can you talk to one person in one day.

The second day, a little bit interesting, I reached at 9, waited outside cos i dint have keys to office.  The lead came, opened, we switched on AC’s and stuff.  Basically like entering the house after vacation.  One more person came, at like 2pm , and casually started roaming around, talking and working. When asked about flexibility, they mentioned – DO whatever you want at whatever time u want. Just complete on time.  Because we hang out with remote ppl anyway. The bosses are all over the world.

Third day, took two calls from 8-10 at home, reached office at 11. No comments. Everyone happy. I happy . Finished my work, blogging now.

Somehow, i dont feel bad leaving my old company. This is nice. This is fun. Best part- There is no tag to wear around my neck 😀 something i really hate in every software company. This place is like a small family.  Close family. Feels nice 🙂

Look fwd to cartoon strips soon! on startups! shutting down now! 😀