At the end of the day..

..Your smile is the only thing that matters. I always knew that. But the past few days have been so difficult, i had rarely seen you awake, let alone smile. You always used to be that hyper active kid who just ran and jumped and ran and fell, and still ran. I used to yell , asking you to stay at one place. You used to talk non stop, every time, giving me the worse headache possible. And when i ordered ‘stop talking addu,’ you replied ‘i want to talk please’.

Well. Here i am, ready to listen to you. Get up from that stupid hospital bed, and run and shout and jump. I cannot see you sleeping and coughing and cough sleeping all day. I want u to that you don’t want soup, and u want to eat pringles. I want you to snatch the iPad from me when i keep a bad rhyme.

One hour inside the house with all the toys you get bored. We have been in this place since two days , in one room, one bed. I need u to complain, and revolt, throw a tantrum. Yes. I miss the tantrums too 😦

Get well soon. I will just fed you idly for the next few years, i promise. All i need is your smile,  your mischievous ‘i screwed something up’ smile.