Great Expectations

Blah tees tu jo ki feh feh. thathathatha de de de.
Yes. those sentences mean that my son loves me a lot. He conveys the same by saying the above (with lots of variations), while spitting on my face.
SO recently He said the word ‘tukka’ while husband was doing lovey dovey to him. I am not implying anything here.
TOday he said ‘tutukha taka taka po’. I was like, these are not words.
Husband , being very defensive, says
‘ My baby is japanese. What the fuck is your problem’.

When it rains.

A sudden gust of wind on your face
Every lock of curl swaying by it
The sudden soothing of load on your shoulder
Aah. When it rains.

The first trickle of drizzle greeting you
Wiping the first tear that was about to be seen
Tasting the water that is not yet salty
Aah. When it rains.

The loudness of the downpour and The laughter of children
The sound of melody overriding the shout of desolate heart
Awakening the child inside you, devoid of any muddle
Aah. When it rains.

Of Books, and worms.


Okay, SO there is this new trend going on facebook, where in a person nominates a friend to share their best reads, books which have inspired them, or changed their lives or way of thinking, or simply books they liked. I must have gone through at least 10 lists, and all i see are &^%&^& (well. i don’t understand them).

I am not being against, or for anyone. But how can someone read “Gone with the wind” and be inspired by it? I am not telling thats a bad book. Good book, very interesting. But i did not learn anything from it. Same way i read a sydney sheldon, or an authur hailey. I am very happy when i am reading, sad when i am done. BUt what else? Books like harry potter and LOTR make me way more happy and relaxed, than “Atlas shrugged” and alchemist, and other boring classics.
A friend of mine had written “Google story” , seemingly had inspired him a lot. Well. I bet he hasnt even read it, leave alone know the author. I bet he googled it. Well, if he is reading this, i caught you dude!
So what is with this list telling? Are you trying to showoff that you read very intellectual books? Or classics? If you genuinely like it, I am not complaining, but when i see people i know, posting books (with googled authors) , it makes me think, man..people are actually pretending.
I heard this name for the first time – – Fyodor Dostoevsky. I am not even sure thats the name of the book or author. And one of my best friends had written it. When asked the same question, this is what she replies -‘ the summary of the book is nice, i read somewhere. ‘.
SO what is the point of this whole exercise? I would rather ask google on 100 best books than reading arbit famous books suggested by lame people.
Frankly, if you ask me, I am highly inspired, and gained much knowledge from 50 shades of grey. How can someone have sex in so many ways which kamasutra also lacks info about!!