He has to have the last laugh!


Ever thought , ‘ This is it..i am happy, I have everything i want’ ? Well. Don’t be so happy. The Man, He is out there laughing at you, meaning, ‘ Wait you dumbass! See what lies ahead’, and Bam. Everything goes for a toss! He, ensures, you have definite hurdles at every point of your life. He makes sure you cross all of them, for what? Bigger hurdles? Yes. correct. For, He has to have the last laugh!

The distinction that, He is rich, he is poor does not make an difference to Him.  The poor think He is testing by making them work hard. The rich are anyways never satisfied, and so they have the restlessness of losing money always. A school kid has a constant tension about his rank, a teenager, about his love life.  A business man about his stakes, a wage employee, about his survival. A software engineer about his promotion, a doctor about the survival of his patients. A husband, about earning for his family, a wife about meeting expectations when it comes to family, Grandparents  about health of children and grandchildren. A minister, about his chair, and an MLA,about the ministers’ chair!

When in life do we actually never take tension, sit calmly, relax, think about nothing except the amazing sky, adorned with stars, shining in the dim moonlight? We might, once or twice. But the constant pressure of chores waiting to be completed the next day constantly keeps pinging a part of brain, which refuses to get masked behind the fact that I want to enjoy life now! Why is it like that? Always?
Many a people might ask, why bother? Just quit jobs and enjoy life. Seriously? Is that a solution?
I have seen people, realizing this fact, the fact that money/power is’int everything. True, but that does come with a clause. A clause that many people choose to ignore, that there might be people depending on you, a society framework that judges you based on what you are doing. And mind it, that society starts opposing you in every way possible. A man who chooses to stick to his decision, irrespective of what the society thinks, will have to do that at a heavy cost, which is practically not possible in today’s world.
Why is this dissatisfaction? Why is a man just not happy with what he has? That’s the way He built it. That’s the way He is testing us.
But let me tell you, the world will change. People will start believing that contented life means not earning more, not achieving more or not dreaming more. It means loving more. Being loved more. Staying happy with what you are, than what others are.
..And there will be light!

Random musings!


– Why, when I am sitting at home, nurturing the fetus inside me, everyone gets to enjoy late night parties and drink like fish!

– why, when i have to see non-violent so-called-mythical movies, listen to soothing music, while the whole world gets to see the conjuring!

– why, when i want to get out, i am escorted by 10 people, restrained from crossing the road, while small kids pedal off the street all alone.

– why, when i sit on the table and work, i am warned about my posture, warned about sleeping on my tummy, while others get to sleep upside down, hanging in mid-air.

– why, when i walk a little faster, i hear people shouting behind me to slow down, when i sit, i am not allowed to get up without assistance.

– why, when i hate milk to the core, i am force-fed the same. And i love bhel-puri, i am totally banned from even thinking about it!

Pregnancy, i tell you, in a way, it sucks.

PS: These musings are because, I came to my mom’s place for 2 days, and husband goes late night partying and movies  with friends. All the above are only re-directed to him!

PPS: I hope husband reads this, and takes me out on a long drive! 




well. Husband read my previous post and said ‘what sort of jack shit posts u write’ , So i decided this post will not be that way!

Its a friday. I am at my moms home. Eating, watching tv, chatting, and when i get time from the above, checking mails. If any addressed to me, replying. 

Thats my working from home today. None of my office mates read my blog. So i am ok. 

There you go. Normal post. Happy A?!

Men just have no work!


Was general facebook-ing, a friend of mine had shared this pic :



Without thinking, i had pressed reply, and typed

‘ Is’int that good? No wars..no blood shed..no loss of lives. And to prove themselves good, women do good things competing with each other, and act like best friends even though they bitch behind..common man is highly benefited in any case, when in wars, no one is’. 

..and then i realized, nah. i will be called a feminist!. But what about the guy who posted that called? 

Not only this, there was a similar post circulating, ‘ We are at the Niagara falls, now women, if you keep quiet, we can hear the water!’. Now what does that mean? Women are loud and gossip a lot? So what..big deal. Thats certainly better than men, who dont talk, who need a conversation starter (again from a women) to propagate the talk. ‘ Women who act as best friends bitch about each other..men who give gaalis in front of each other are best friends;. Seriously? Who proved this? One person says..all others immediately agree. All other men, i meant!

Again, I am NOT a feminist. Both the genders have their own set of pros and cons. But high-lighting whatever is not a problem, just for the sake of publicity , is not right. As explained above, how is being jealous problem? Women at least show jealousy by bitching to someone. Males , who said they don’t bitch? Well, they don’t bitch to men, they tell all their problems to women. And women don’t post such things. That’s why we don’t see such posts about men. Got it? 

Women are loud. Why is that a -ve thing? Yes..they talk a lot. trust me, you leave 2 unknown guys for 1 hr, they play on their mobiles, stare the ceiling, or call up their gf n talk. Women, make friends. That’s a positive thing. That is NOT called gossip. And women being loud has accomplished so many things, for , what did men being silent do? Ha? Manmohan Singh has been pretty famous for that, right?! To top it all, Women being loud makes things work..else no husband would ever do any household work! 

All in all, i conclude by telling men just have no work. Seriously. All they need is make fun of their wives in front of their friends. And other’s wives on facebook! 


Dynamics of tying a 9 yards saree!


I am not very religious. Nor are my in-laws. But, i have to wear a 9 yards sari for my seemantham. That gets interesting when, 

First : The function is divided into 2 parts, and both the times i have to wear it.

Second: I, the innocent, once-upon-a-time-thin-err-healthy-girl has to wear,  when she is pregnant and bursting from every conceivable part of the body!

So, my not-so-religious mom-in-law (from now MIL) did not exactly know the procedure how to tie the sari. We managed it somehow in the marriage, when there were lots of mami’s and pati’s, but now, was just both of us. So, diligently, as we modern age ppl do, we searched out a youtube video to do the same. Some mami posted it with her grand daughter being the victim. We laughed it off,  thought the procedure was pretty simple. 

The 1st function starts at 5 in the evening. As always, i was ready with my shirt and tights (yeah u wear tights, else everything is seen! ) carried my sari into her room.  The wrapping up started. But we just coudlnt wrap it up!

Note: We perfectly followed the mami in the video. Not our mistake! 

1 :  Make 10 steps in the sari. They come at the back. I tucked that into my tights.

2 :  Go around me with sari in hand. Tie starting of sari with where ever your hand is. Done. <my already bulged tummy bulged more> < This point, my tights was beginning to skid down. > So go back to step 1, remove the tuck in, just wrap the saree, after you’ve tied down, pin the steps to sari. Wow. something is stable.

3 : She gave me a lump in the front to tuck in. a lump on the side to tuck in. Obviously i look fat. I am not though. Promise.

4 : Then rest of it, bring it down between the legs, and ..oh. i forgot. one more point. After 1.

1.5  :  Open your legs as wide as possible, else you wont be able to walk, once  the sari is tied up. Put right foot on the bottom of sari , so that it dsnt tighten up.

4 cont. : rest of the sari between my legs, and then i dont know what she did behind me. All i know is the knot became tighter. She wouldav tucked a lump of some more of it.

5. then get the sari in the front, from whichever side you want to wear your pallu. Since in 9 yards, your pallu should come back to front and u tuck the lump in, it should be long. Mine wasnt. Remove everything. Go back to step 1. Instead of 10 steps, make 7. <Auspicious numbers u see> .  

Continue the above procedure 1-5  till u have enough pallu to make a 2nd wrap. 

6. no pleets required. the pallu has to be a lump. Get it front and tuck it in. 

7. Now adjust the sari everywhere so that the borders are seen. 

8. Your tights might be seen here n there, so keep pulling the sari down from the dhoti side. 

9, Your 9 yards sari is ready. 

Few points to be noted here are:

You need not iron the sari. Anyways its a lump. You look like a lump..ah well. An elegant lump. Remember: chachi 420?

You better go to the bathroom before hand. I think all people who wear this sari wil have to remove the entire thing to pee. No idea how they manage. I ask MIL this concern, she says..you are not supposed to go to bathroom in this sari. Thats y its called ‘madi’ . Will write a post on that sometime 😐

No matter how thin you are, you look fat in this. So fat ppl, not a bad choice of shaadi wear. U look elegant, and no one will comment 😛

All in all, i wore this sari twice. In a way, i loved it. Not because of how i looked. Because of how people said I respect the culture. I hope when i have daughters and daughter-in-laws, i would be able to propagate the same. 🙂


guess what I am doing!


I have lots of relatives at home, thanks to the baby shower functions. So me and husband sleep in a different house we rented, next to my in-laws home.  Also, as mentioned earlier, I had my tamil style function today, actually half of it, which itself is very tiring. I had to wear 9 yards saree..wrap up myself like a mummy!  Already pregnant, i did look like a balloon in that wrap.  2 hours of some homam and poojas, then they drench me, in that saree itself. 

I had to go change to an other, thankfully no 9 yards. And one more hr of pooja..done for the day. Husband was very happy i could sit through the entire thing without complaining, more happy because i sat, without wanting to pee. 

Went down to send off my mom and some relatives, and then he says, ‘ we accomplished something today. Lets get you some junk.’ I innocently said that mummy will not allow me to eat..and everyone in this society knows us, so wont be good. 

He seriously went, got some lays and kurkure, said that we wil hide them in the rented house. Will eat in the night. 

I liked the idea. he got stuff. hid them. came back. and then we had dinner n blah blah yada yada. cleaning n everything done.
I was back to my normal non-wierd looking outfit, and got ready to sleep.
Husband closes the door. Goes to the shelf, fishes a packet of kurkure. Aah. Bliss.
And guess what i am doing. Eating kurkure 😀 after like 4 months!

the reminder..


…of sleepless nights.

At least i think, they give you a grand baby shower, because you will not have that center stage attention the moment baby pops out. It will always be about baby eating.. baby sleeping, baby medication and baby potty! whatever..now its my time. I am writing about myself!

I had a grand baby shower..in telugu style. And I will have in Tamil style 2 days later. so 2 complete days of my getting ready and taking my photos and feeding me. At least thats what I thought.

But, little did I know, all the married women come, put kumkum on me, rub sandal wood everywhere on my neck, convert me into vidya balan of bhool bhulaiyya! I was looking at my pictures today, and thats the 1st comment my patidev made. 

‘ I think you look good, u know. really. Promise’ , he started.

‘shoo of! had i looked good, you woudlnt have said really n all’, <puts a sad puppy face>’, i go on..

‘oh come on. I know how beautiful you are..so what if the entire world thinks otherwise!’, he is trying to console me.

‘what do you mean..the entire world thinks otherwise..’, and i try to give him 2-3 gaalis in hindi..desperately trying to look depressed, and sad

he laughs and smirks ‘ you look like a heroine darling. like vidya balan of bhool bhuliayya’, and moves a km apart, knowing i will come charging at him.

‘first , u make me pregnant.  u drink and i cant. u eat junk and i cant. now i am fat and scary, u comment on me. Its all your fault…’ i am continuously blabbering and he is laughing.  

And then he says ‘ your hands look beautiful with those bangles. you look like a bride, even when u are pregnant! ‘…and i stare at them. yes, they do look good. 

I am happy. The baby is happily kicking. Husbands do know how to console. Off topic, i did look real bad on the function day.

Here is the best pic of mine i could ever get. 🙂Image

that one person!


you choose to adore the dark

stay up the peak with hope

that one person is the mark

no matter how much u cope.


a thousand miseries you bear, for a single glimpse of that smile

hurdles you are ready to cross, cos staying apart seems vile

that one person can make a difference, no matter how many you meet

the world seems all fair, surroundings seem all colorful, and everything , just sweet!


PS!: i miss you! 😦




the tummy!


Yes. I am a mom-to-be. High time i realized the fact that I cant jump, cant run, and cant bend, and most importantly, cant eat junk.
They say every pregnant woman has cravings, some like to eat sweet..some love sour. Some want specific dishes made with specific masalas. I never had any. I was only told, eat lots of fruits, which i hate, and eat less junk, which also i hate. Limited my panipuri from once a week to once in 2-3 months, depending on when i get to be alone. I ate all the dishes my mom-i-law made, made no specific demand. My tummy did not show up till 1st 6 months (now i am in my 7th), hence i did not look pregnant also. The baby movements in my tummy were like gush of air moving, more like excess gas due to acidity. So, i never realized this change in me..till
…Yeah. The little hump on my stomach started to show up, and best of all, what i thought was flabby belly movement, turned out to be my baby’s kicks. O man, ever seen Jerry in Tom’s stomach? The way Jerry moves? Yeah. My tummy moves like that when baby kicks. Like bullets being shot in a rubber bag. I need not say ‘all is well’ to get this
Its a wonderful feeling, when u know u have a live creature (thats a bad word for baby, but still..) in you. Makes you feel special. And most importantly, wanted. The baby feeds on what u eat. Yes. people feed me, like they have never before. I feel special. i feel i have to stop eating junk now. I feel i have to read something good, to listen something nice, to soothen the baby. I massage my tummy so that the baby sleeps (But when the father wants to feel the kick, i try to move it )
I am in family way , and I have to remind myself still, may be till i become bigger. 3 more months to go! yoohoo!