mommy facts!


Just cant help sharing this, all of this is so so true. 

You know you are a mommy when:

You sleep through the husband’s snores but wake up to attention in a millisecond on the slightest sound hy the baby

You are obsessed with hygeine but dont even think about getting peed upon by ur baby regularly

Shopping means baby clothes n shoes n other stuff instead of bags n heels n even books!

You find it difficult to engage in a coherent conversation with adults but baby talk nineteen to a dozen with your baby

You cant eat meals at ease anymore, not unless you’re stuffing it all down in under a minute that your baby allows you

You dont dream of travelling or meeting your favourite celebrity but diapers and formula and even more diapers when asleep

You become super efficient and learn to bathe, cook, eat, sleep, work within the time limit of the tiny catnaps your baby takes during the day

Your favourite hangout places have changed from pubs and flashy restaurants to mall food courts and seaside

You may not know the latest rihanna song but are up to date on all the baby lullaby tunes on you tube

From being a first day first movie show person, you now move to watching your favourite movie in 20 installments over a month

From not having practical knowledge about handling a baby you move to being able to feed/burp/change a baby in your sleep

You know your life has changed dramatically and not all those changes are happy but you wouldnt trade your life with your baby for anything in the world!


🙂 🙂 🙂

PS: Not mine 🙂

angrezi mein kehte hain ‘i love you’


Nothing to boast, but the first time a guy had told me this statement, was in my 8th standard. Yes, i was scared to the core, thinking, oh my i going to marry him! That was the age when, i did not know how to tell a no, age when i thought if i reject a guy, he might feel bad, so i will marry him. Well, i was dumb of course. That was the age when proposing a girl was directly proportional to her looks.

As i grew up, i started hearing more of this sentence, with lesser importance implied. There was this time in my engineering, when a guy proposed, just to win a bet. So, has ‘i love you’ lost its importance?! In my opinion, i dont think it means anything. Even if i ‘love’ a person , so deeply that i can give my life for him, i think telling him i love you sounds weird. I just cant imaging myself telling that. No way. i know i am bluffing 😛

So, what exactly is love! love is pure, love is blind, and love is bullshit :P. Well, stop glaring at me like that. There are a 100 different ways to show how you feel, rather than bugging a person by telling i love you! 

Love according to me is, when a person

–  knows you are fat, tells you are fat, and loves you for that

– listens to everything you say, everything you crib, and just neutralizes it with a silly pj, making you smile.

– Knows you are about to cry, and diverts the topic to something happy and memorable

– When you are pregnant and not supposed to eat junk, smuggles kurkure into the room and hands it over

– Appreciates whatever you wear, however you dress up, and says,  how does it matter!

– Kicks your ass for something that is truly wrong, at the same time tells how to do the right thing.

– Appreciates everything you cook, just so you wont feel bad. 

– Accepts lovey-dovey calls in the middle of the night, and answers patiently

– Covers for the work you have to do, when sick, or you just dont feel like.

– Supports you in front of parents/in-laws, in front of everyone in the world if you are true.

– Does not obstruct you from meeting other /guy/ friends and gives you your own space

– Gives simple surprises by making tea/toast when you wake up. 

– Just gives a simple smile by seeing you at the end of the day.

See. I never told i love you. I still feel loved. Yeah, i do.  🙂



unfair world!



I am Adhrit, my mom wouldav written loads and loads about me here. For all you know, it might seem to you that she loves me a lot, for she writes, draws cartoons, and cries for me. But you know what, the truth is bitter! 

She is a foodie, and she loves eating variety of food. What am i supposed to feed on? Milk! 24/7 same old milk. She eats paneer,  I get milk. She eats malai kofta, i get milk. She eats lots of aloo, i fart along, and she laughs at me! Unfair, isint it?!

Not even water. What am i supposed to quench my thirst on?!  If i start increasing my saliva getting in out to wet my lips, she says i am dirty and passing ‘jollu’. Apparantly there is a theory my dadi says, ‘jollu’ passing kid’s mothers havent had what they wanted during pregnancy! this is too much. My thirst, and she gets food again!

So i am bored of milk. I keep my fingers in my mouth, they taste better at least, and are good to chew! I am not allowed to do that also, they say my teeth will come out. God, these ppl! There was this one time when my mom’s hand came near my mouth, and i thought it was food, i grabbed it to eat. And they started making fun of me. **sigh**

How the heck do i know toys are meant for playing? If someone hands some colour colour thingy which makes noise, I will be tempted to put it in my mouth. (anyone would, i guess) And if i do that, i become a laughing stock, a big one at that. There was this very cute toy mom had got, a giraffe with one leg as a teether. I was like, wow. I can put that in my mouth. I took it, with my chutku hands caught hold of that, and whatever i could get, i started chewing it. And there was a scream (Why was that not expected) , and mom yelled ‘ He is eating the giraffe’s butt’. Heights i must say. 

The world is unfair to kids. Mom’s are too..apparantly!



The happy times.


Just saw this on facebook. And i was reminded of lots of things, the good times. 




I met this girl, in my engineering first year. And the comparison to sibling started just by seeing our noses. I dint love her then, she was just a classmate, and virtual room mate (since we studied together) . I think the reason we hit off was because we wanted to do the same things, dance away to glory, eat junk, and both of us were the only people who got fat with our mess food. 

More understanding and patient she was, when explaining me all the whereabouts of programming. The more time i spent, the more attached i became. We chatted with each other on the same computer, that was the heights of our joblessness and timepassing with each other And then we got the same job, that was when i really knew her.

I was always early, she was late. I loved to sleep with lights off. This girl kept the lights on while working and slept like that. i ate veg, she relished non-veg. we fought like crazy. every single time, on every single thing. But when it rained, both of us would just get out and enjoy ( remember commercial in rain?) Every moment she used to drive me mad, at the same time just dint leave my side when i was down.  We danced together, partied together, took crazy photos with dumb poses, teased each other with the same guy, fought with each other at the same time stood together in front of others. We were always in ‘sync’ according to others. She comes to know something, it has to come to me. What others dint know, that we were never updated. 😉  We never needed extra company. I want to play tt, drag her. She wants to have tea, drag me. Restroom break? ping each other and meet at junction. we go to our seats, again ping each other to ask what you are doing. She would listen to some song, and write the lyrics in telugu. i would then put on the same song, and we would go humming together. Different cities now, but the same thing happens even now. We were, may be are the ‘power puff girls’ as some people called us 😀 We would plan to go walking or playing, one day and we end up snoring all the other days. We  looked for inspiration in each other, and always ended up being lazy to the core. 

i do miss you. a lot. especially when i want to go silly shopping and eat roadside dosas and panipuris. Yes, i know we are now married and have loads of responsibilities,  but things would never be the same with anyone else. Know what, one day when our kids grow big and we are free, lets play lots of foosball and dance to chammak challo and have lots of tea and home made mixture and go shopping and paint and talk and talk.  deal ok?!! 😛