My first F..

Yeah. Thats right. This blog is about my first FRACTURE. hahaha.

Every-time I get a package, obviously ordered by me only, its like a celebration. As if someone is sending me a surprise gift, and I am called down to collect it. Basically, the delivery guy is like my santa claus. And I am Mr. Bean (if u know, u know).

So 3 days back, when I got a call ‘Maam, your package is arriving in 1 min’ I ran down. I grabbed my phone, access card, and a heart full of false curiosity and hope and ran down. Like Jaya Bachan waiting for ShahRukh, I was there like 59 secs before that guy came.

I reached down, he called, and I glided down the lobby stairs while talking to him. Yes, no looking down..just Deepika Padukone style, heads up, and big smile on my face!

And then it happened. Not sure what I slipped on, but I fell. I rolled down 5 stairs, and was about to land on my head, but used my hands to cover up my head. Head got saved, but legs totally gave up. My ankle twisted and I coudlnt get up.. The delivery guy came, asked me If i am Shivani. I said yes, but can you please come up and gimme my package?

I sat down for a while, shocked about what just happened. I was not able to stand up, my ankle had throbbing pain, but I was in a hurry to go home and open my parcel. But I just couldn’t move.. the guard who had seen the whole drama on cctv came running. ‘Madam, are you ok? Shall i help? ‘ ‘No, I think I am okay, will sit for a while and leave.. Thanks’. And he went off to investigate the stairs where I fell. Turns out someone dropped some oil type thingy while shifting and I slipped.. he immediately got it cleaned up. ‘Maam, neeche dekhke chalna agli baar’. I was this close to rolling my eyes and answering, but leg was giving bigger problem than the guard. I let go, smiled .. started hopping up the stairs and reached home finally.

I went in, sat on sofa, and started crying. The pain became sooo excruciating, I yelled murder at husband. He came running, saw my leg..and with like 0% empathy, asked me ‘What did you do’ . What an ass right?

Immediately, he gave me a painkiller( he was unable to bear my crying I think), and started applying ice pack on the area. 10 min done, and I could see my foot swollen..I am not was round..and red! We applied pain spray and bandage and waited for a while to discuss the next plan of action. It can be a fracture, considering how it ballooned up in like 0.3 secs. But also it was 8 in the night and because of lockdown, it would be difficult to find an emergency doc.. so we decided to wait.

The night was sooo painful..omg..I cried..I googled on how to take care of ankle sprain and fracture, I yelled..and waited for 6 more hours to take the next painkiller. And then it was 9..we rushed to the hospital to get an xray. Only I know how much hopping I had to do with my left leg to reach the car and the clinic. I think my left leg lost like 2 kgs yesterday. Also..guys.. DO NOT use hiking stick as a support to walk on normal floor ok.

30 min of waiting and 29 min of crying , we got an xray! Minor fracture..and soft tissue damage is what the doc said..smiling. The only reason I did not go berserk on her smile – she had the pain meds. I got my leg wrapped – I dont like this package ok.. reached home..ate a banana, took painkiller and slept.

And while I slept, the magic happened. Husband and son cleaned up the house, cooked minimal food, did NOT wake me up. The clothes were washed and cleaned up.. and when i woke food was served. Well..something came out of my leg sacrifice.

2 days later, here I am. Sitting on my ass , getting fat, hopping away only to bathroom and bed. for next 3-6 weeks depending on how much work I decide to do šŸ˜€

This is me, after 29 min of crying and xray, smiling cos pic has to look good no..
We borrowed a wheel chair at home too, so that my left leg also would get some rest. But no one lets me use it only šŸ˜¦

So, here’s to 4-6 weeks of living like a queen! But yes, it hurts like crazy man!