


when you realise you’ve been up since 1 in the night, and pathetically write this post at 3.


<when you realise husband, whom you have already woken up thrice, is happily snoring again.


what you get thinking , may be you will sleep well tomorrow, thanks to todays night out.


  you find a book that suits your emotional needs at this time.


when you realize you can time pass reading the book and eventually sleep off.


when husband shouts at you for switching on light in the middle of the night.


When u finally get to sleep, and in a min, you realize you have to visit the loo!




1. No matter how much your husband loves you, he ends up calling you fat atleast once a day!

2. You think so much about eating well and getting proper sleep, but end of the day, you cannot avoid getting kicked!

I am going to ask husband to get pregnant next! 2 birds in one go!

A friend, desperately in need!


O friend, where art thou?

Through out the night you gave me company, swept away my worries, cleared up my mind

Always welcomed me to a bright new day , Making me forget my past, always so kind.

O friend, where art thou?

I meet you, I enter a new world,Where i achieved much more i could think ever,

Sometimes it scares, sometimes it worries,but at the end, you let me down never.

O friend, where art thou?

I need you…O friend.

The little soul in my tummy keeps kicking me, still I need you,

The thought of pressing the little one scares me, still i need you.

While frequent breaks of relieving myself separates us, I still need you.

O sleep, my friend. Where art thou?!


PS:   The above are sincere and genuine woes of me, a pregnant gal, who is devoid of sleep since past few weeks, who thinks she is having a super active kiddo since kiddo is 24/7 playing around in tummy! 

PPS:  Pray i sleep well! pretty please! 




Random musings!


– Why, when I am sitting at home, nurturing the fetus inside me, everyone gets to enjoy late night parties and drink like fish!

– why, when i have to see non-violent so-called-mythical movies, listen to soothing music, while the whole world gets to see the conjuring!

– why, when i want to get out, i am escorted by 10 people, restrained from crossing the road, while small kids pedal off the street all alone.

– why, when i sit on the table and work, i am warned about my posture, warned about sleeping on my tummy, while others get to sleep upside down, hanging in mid-air.

– why, when i walk a little faster, i hear people shouting behind me to slow down, when i sit, i am not allowed to get up without assistance.

– why, when i hate milk to the core, i am force-fed the same. And i love bhel-puri, i am totally banned from even thinking about it!

Pregnancy, i tell you, in a way, it sucks.

PS: These musings are because, I came to my mom’s place for 2 days, and husband goes late night partying and movies  with friends. All the above are only re-directed to him!

PPS: I hope husband reads this, and takes me out on a long drive! 


the tummy!


Yes. I am a mom-to-be. High time i realized the fact that I cant jump, cant run, and cant bend, and most importantly, cant eat junk.
They say every pregnant woman has cravings, some like to eat sweet..some love sour. Some want specific dishes made with specific masalas. I never had any. I was only told, eat lots of fruits, which i hate, and eat less junk, which also i hate. Limited my panipuri from once a week to once in 2-3 months, depending on when i get to be alone. I ate all the dishes my mom-i-law made, made no specific demand. My tummy did not show up till 1st 6 months (now i am in my 7th), hence i did not look pregnant also. The baby movements in my tummy were like gush of air moving, more like excess gas due to acidity. So, i never realized this change in me..till
…Yeah. The little hump on my stomach started to show up, and best of all, what i thought was flabby belly movement, turned out to be my baby’s kicks. O man, ever seen Jerry in Tom’s stomach? The way Jerry moves? Yeah. My tummy moves like that when baby kicks. Like bullets being shot in a rubber bag. I need not say ‘all is well’ to get this
Its a wonderful feeling, when u know u have a live creature (thats a bad word for baby, but still..) in you. Makes you feel special. And most importantly, wanted. The baby feeds on what u eat. Yes. people feed me, like they have never before. I feel special. i feel i have to stop eating junk now. I feel i have to read something good, to listen something nice, to soothen the baby. I massage my tummy so that the baby sleeps (But when the father wants to feel the kick, i try to move it )
I am in family way , and I have to remind myself still, may be till i become bigger. 3 more months to go! yoohoo!